WEEE Africa Forum
Your one-stop shop for e-wasteBy 2050 around 2.2 billion people could be added to the global population and more than half of that growth will occur in Africa.
Africa will account for the highest population spurt with an additional 1.3 billion people on the continent, a new UN population report shows.
Much of Africa’s population boom will come from Nigeria, currently the world’s 7th most populous country. By 2050, the report predicts, Nigeria will become the world’s third largest country by population, becoming one of the six nations projected to have a population of over 300 million.
But the rapid population growth poses a conundrum for many African governments as to how public infrastructure, much of which is already at a deficit, will keep pace with the rising number of citizens. Nigeria currently struggles to cater to the education needs of its millions of annual high school graduates. Indeed, between 2010 and 2015, of the 10 million applicants that sought entry into Nigerian tertiary institutions, only 26% gained admission with Nigeria’s university system sorely lacking in capacity.
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The broad ambitions of the AFCTA are to expand intra-African trade through trade liberalization, improving the harmonization of rules, standards and instruments across the various regional economic communities (REC’s) and to fundamentally improve consumer safety.
It is against this background that a decision was recently taken by the Founder of the e-Waste Association of South Africa (EWASA), Keith Anderson, to launch the WEEE-AFRICA FORUM, a Not for Profit Association, with the aim of creating a uniform standard from Cape to Cairo for the treatment and handling of e-waste across Africa.
Whilst we acknowledge the enormity of the task ahead, we are confident that with the assistance of our partners, both locally and internationally, and in the true African spirit of Ubuntu, we will be successful. The formal launch of the company and website will take place next week, www.weee-africa.com and we look forward to engaging with all interested parties. In the interim all enquiries can be directed to info@ewasa.org or keith@ewasa.org

Helping our environment with electronic waste management
Does your organisation practice environmental awareness?
WEEE Africa Forum will assist you with the implementation of helpful strategies regarding the disposal and recycling of obsolete electronics.

Why recycle e-waste?
WEEE Africa Forum provides a platform for responsible producers and organisations to take on the challenge of electronic and electrical waste in Africa. By stimulating ideas and sharing best-practices, we ensure that environmental performance is maximised through proper management of WEEE. We are dedicated to cultivating a sense of environmental awareness that permeates throughout various industries.
As one of the fastest-growing pollution issues threatening our environment and our health, recycling e-waste has become a worldwide responsibility. E-waste features a variety of toxic substances which can contaminate our environment which is why disposal protocols are to be carefully followed.